Vermont Technical College will join with Castleton University and Northern Vermont University to become Vermont State University on July 1, 2023. Learn more and apply for fall 2023.
Here’s all you need to know to get started using Web Services.
New Student Information
Newly admitted students are automatically registered for a full-time class schedule based on their placement, prior credits, and program requirements unless they have indicated to Admissions that they do not want to be full time. Registration takes place in the months just prior to the start of classes, after applicants have been accepted and paid their deposits. Initial class schedules are tentative and may change up until the start of classes. Class schedules are not mailed; they are available on Web Services. Hard copies of the official schedule will be available at the Office of the Registrar or site office during orientation.
Students who need to change their initial schedules may do so with their advisors during orientation and through the first week of classes. No online registration or add/drop is available until the start of classes. Online registration and add/drop is only available during preregistration and the first week of classes, and only then by approval of the academic advisor.
Activate Account
New students must activate their Vermont Tech IT accounts to have access to Portal, Web Services, and their Vermont Tech email services. Activate your account here and click on the “New User” link on the right side of the page:
- Your college ID is on the bottom of the acceptance letter from Admissions
- To find your college ID (and username) online, click on the “What’s My College ID?” link
- Memorize the ID, username, and password; they will be needed often
- Students without SSNs or who need help with account activation should contact or (802) 728-1721
- Once you have your username and password, click on the login button to get on Portal; from Portal you can access Web Services and Web Mail
- There will be computer orientation classes during orientation
If you’re having problems accessing Web Services, or if you forgot your password or email address:
- Go to the VSC portal to check or change your account information
Web Services has class schedules, unofficial transcripts, mid-term warnings, grades, test scores, graduation applications, degree audits (program evaluations), bills, financial aid, and FERPA/Privacy information. Take some time to look at what is available on the Web Advisor Student Menu.
Under the “My Courses” link there are classes that instructors have set up with online support; not all instructors or classes use this area. The courses listed here are not the class schedule. To view a full class schedule use the Web Services “VSC Class Schedule” on the Students menu under “Academic Profile”.
Vermont Tech Web Mail can be accessed, once you are in the Portal, by clicking on the envelope link on the left side of the page above the calendar, or by going here.
To View Your Class Schedule:
- After logging into Portal, click on the Quick Link to Web Services and log in again
- Select “Students” under Academic Profile on the Students menu
- Select “VSC Class Schedule”
- Select the term
- Click submit
- The class schedule will appear with meeting times and dates and links to the course descriptions and other information
To Search for Course Offerings:
- Prior to login, select the VSC Courses/Catalog tab and then select “Search for Sections”; or,
- After logging in, on the Students menu under Registration select “Search for Sections”
- Select term (eg T11FA for VTC fall)
- Select at least one additional piece of info, such as – Subject (ENG), Course Number (1061), Section (T1), location (TWIL), or select Academic Level of “UG” to get all offerings in the term
- Click “Submit”
- The class schedule will appear with meeting times and dates and links to the course descriptions and other information
Set Access to Student Records (FERPA):
Students can set up their accounts to allow release of their student info to parents, spouse, or others, or to allow release to them alone.
- After logging in to Portal, click on the “Quick Link to Web Services” and log in again.
- Select “Students” under the Academic Profile on the Students menu
- Select “FERPA Authorization Form”
- Students who wish to authorize individuals to have access to their educational record must enter information about the individual(s) to whom they wish to grant access, click the “grant access” box, enter a 5-digit access code, and click submit.
- Individuals requesting access to your academic information will have to provide your full name, college ID, and the access code that you entered. This access code does not include official reports of grades or transcripts; these must be requested individually by the student.
- Students who do not wish to release academic information to third parties should review the FERPA information, remove any previous access information, and click submit
- Upon submission, students will receive an email notification confirming their selection
Scheduling Website
Each term, generic block schedules by program and major and general education offerings by location and faculty schedules are available here. Also, most administrative forms for transcript or grade requests, preregistration, add/drop, changes of program or advisor, etc., are available on this page.
Other Information
All five Vermont State Colleges: Vermont Tech, Castleton, Johnson, Lyndon, and the Community College of Vermont, use the same online Web Services.
Students, other than LPN students, who desire to co-register at another VSC school under the VSC Enrollment Consortium Agreement at no additional charge may contact the Registrar’s Office (802) 728-1303 to register.
Academic advisors are not assigned until near the start of school.
Advisor contact information will be available in Web Services under “My Profile” when they have been assigned. There is an email link directly to your advisor under “Communication” on the Students menu.
After the start of classes, all students are expected to use Vermont Tech email or forward it to an account that they regularly check.
Important information is sent to students via email only. Training on and policies pertaining to computer usage at Vermont Tech is conducted during orientation.
The Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of student educational records.
The law gives eligible students, those who have reached the age of 18 or the parents of students under the age of 18, certain rights with respect to their education records. Students have the right to inspect, review, and request that the college correct educational records believed to be inaccurate or misleading. If parents/guardians claim a student as a dependent, they may have access to the student’s educational records without prior permission.
Generally, the college must have written permission prior to releasing any academic information from a student’s record. However, the law allows the college to disclose records without consent for official school business.
Students must complete an online form in Web Services that provides parents or others with access to their academic records and an access code for them to provide when seeking information either in person or on the phone. This permission does not include transcript requests, grade reports, or enrollment verifications; these must be individually requested by the student. (Refer to the Set Access to Student Records above)
The college may disclose, without consent, “directory type information” that is considered not to be harmful to the student or parent if released. The information considered by the college to be directory information is name; home and college address; telephone listing; email address; date of birth; major; enrollment status (full-time or part-time); enrollment level (undergraduate or graduate); dates of attendance; degrees and awards received; weight and height of athletic team members; photographs; most recent and previous educational institutions attended; and participation in officially recognized activities and sports. Parent information is not directory information.
Students have the right to withhold the release of any or all directory information. To do so, a written request must be made at the Office of the Registrar. It should be noted that if directory information is to be withheld, it will be withheld from all parties. A request to withhold directory information must be made as soon as possible after the start of term and will remain in effect until revoked by the eligible student.
For additional information, refer to VSC Policies and Procedures, VSC Policy 312 on the VSC portal under the VSC Public Info & Data tab. For technical assistance or to file a complaint, you may contact the Family Policy Compliance Office at (202) 260-3887, or, or
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