Dental Hygiene Student Handbook

I. General Considerations A. Philosophy Statement Members of the faculty strive to honor the mission of the Vermont Technical College by providing an educational environment that encourages evolving intellectual growth and personal and professional responsibility that is committed to ethical behavior, continued learning and quality patient care. To foster and […]

I. General Considerations

A. Philosophy Statement

Members of the faculty strive to honor the mission of the Vermont Technical College by providing an educational environment that encourages evolving intellectual growth and personal and professional responsibility that is committed to ethical behavior, continued learning and quality patient care. To foster and sustain this environment a special partnership with students, colleagues and patients is nurtured through the widespread spirit of collaboration and shared goals.

B. Mission Statement

The mission of the Department of Dental Hygiene is the professional education of dental hygienists, to educate students to competently serve patients and communities and to prepare students to continue to grow In skill and knowledge over their lifetime.

C. Goals

The goals of the undergraduate curriculum in Dental Hygiene education are:

  1. To provide a curriculum that integrates general education, biomedical sciences, dental sciences and the knowledge of current dental hygiene theory, practice and the provision of dental hygiene care.
  2. To prepare a competent entry level dental hygienist to provide quality patient-centered comprehensive care in traditional and non-traditional settings, as well as to diverse populations within the community.
  3. To prepare a graduate to continually promote the most current concepts of disease control and prevention.
  4. To prepare a graduate to apply the principles of professional growth and ethical behavior in providing care.
  5. To prepare a graduate to make an essential and unique contribution as an integral member of a health care team.
  6. To foster an appreciation for professional growth and lifelong learning through self- assessment, accessing relevant research, and using current evidence based research.

The Standard Curriculum

Dental Hygiene is an Associate Degree program that is designed to be completed in three academic years.   In situations where a student does not follow the curriculum as outlined, completion of the entire program in a minimum of three academic years may not be possible. Students must be aware that the professional courses (those with the prefix DHY) must be taken in the designated sequence and are only offered once a year.

Expectations of Students in the Program of Dental Hygiene Degree Requirements

To be eligible for graduation, a student must have attained a cumulative average sufficient to meet the minimum grade point average requirement of 2.0. Grades in courses accepted for transfer credit are excluded in computing this average.

Use of the English Language

Correct use of the English language is required of all dental hygiene students. Written work of any kind that is unsatisfactory in manuscript form, grammar, punctuation, spelling, or effectiveness of expression may be penalized, regardless of content. Students whose written work falls below the standard of correct usage may be referred for additional instruction, even though the first-year course in English has been passed. Before admission to the department, foreign students must offer evidence that they are capable of reading and writing English at the college level.


A student who is not present at the beginning of a class or class exercise may be marked absent and point deductions will be applied.

Right of Appeal

Students who believe that they have been unfairly treated may appeal in writing to the Dean of the College or the Academic Dean.

Low Scholarship Policy Department of Dental Hygiene Expectations

Completion of all program requirements including a minimum of 93 approved semester hours and a cumulative grade-point average of 2.0 or above is required for the Associate in Science Degree in Dental Hygiene.  Completion of all program requirements and 120 credits is required for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene.

  • Must complete at least 50% of the course work at the home institution.
  • Each of the professional dental hygiene courses must be successfully completed with a minimum grade of C (73 class average).
  • Any specific independent project(s) that has been identified as “a graduation requirement” by the Program Director must be completed.
  • The candidate must attain a level of clinical competence and professional judgment, which, in the opinion of the faculty, demonstrates adequate preparation for professional licensure examinations
  • Financial obligations to the Vermont Technical College and the Department of Dental Hygiene must be resolved.
  • Any probationary status, whether it is disciplinary, academic or professional, must be resolved.

Professional Standards

Students In the health care field are expected to assume and maintain an ethical and professional responsibility and respect for themselves, their patients, colleagues and the faculty. These personal qualities are essential in order for students to meet expected curricular obligations. Daily student behaviors that reflect these attributes Include, but are not limited to; being prompt, preparing for and attending all classes, labs and clinics, demonstrating integrity, courteousness and cooperative conduct inside and outside the classroom and displaying an attitude that enables learning to occur. If, in the opinion of the faculty, a candidate is unsuited for the practice of dental hygiene, recommendation for licensure and the degree in Dental Hygiene will be withheld.

III. Competencies

Competencies for the Vermont Technical College Dental Hygiene Student Vermont Technical College Department Of Dental Hygiene can be viewed here.

IV. Infection Control Manual and Required Immunizations

The careful management of infection and cross contamination is extremely important in the dental field. The Department of Dental Hygiene follows the Blood borne Pathogen Standard issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in 2003 and all subsequent revisions. An INFECTION CONTROL MANUAL has been specifically designed for use by students and faculty in the Department of Dental Hygiene. The manual is available for download by each student in the fall semester of their first year in the program. Dental Hygiene students are required to have several vaccinations to prevent them from common diseases. These vaccinations must be completed prior to the initiation of patient treatment at the beginning of the spring semester of their first year. The following vaccinations are required: Hepatitis B or a positive titer; two Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR) vaccines or a positive titer; a tetanus vaccination within the last 10 years; Varicella virus (VZ) vaccination or positive titer; a PPD within 1 year; and proof of polio vaccination including dates. Documentation from the student’s personal physician must be made available to the College prior to patient care. The Vermont Technical College is not responsible for medical costs resulting from injury during clinical rotation, or during any other curricular activity, unless this injury is due to negligence by the College. All Vermont Tech students must carry their own health insurance.

Professional Liability Insurance

Dental Hygiene students are assessed through their student account an annual premium of $25.00 per year for professional liability coverage during their clinical patient experiences while they are a student in the professional dental hygiene program. These experiences begin early in the first semester of the professional curriculum and continue each semester until graduation. Individual student volunteer activities or employment in private practice is not included within this coverage.


All students will be assigned an advisor who is a full time Dental Hygiene faculty member. The advisors will make every effort to be helpful and aware of the student’s progress. Although the advisor will schedule regular appointments, students are encouraged to consult with them at any time they have a need. In the event a student is not comfortable with the assigned advisor, he or she may request a change of advisor by talking with the desired advisor and her/his current advisor. In addition, each incoming student will be assigned a “senior-student-advisor” (a second year or third year student mentor). The mentor will offer information and guidance to the first or second year student.

Student Members of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association

Student membership in the American Dental Hygienists’ Association involves an organization of students of dental hygiene dedicated to building the ethical and educational basis for future service and success in the profession. Meetings are usually held once a month with officers elected annually. Yearly dues of $65.00 entitle each member to receive the Journal of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association and Access Magazine, apply for ADHA scholarships, join the Association’s group insurance policies, and be eligible to attend state and national dental hygiene meetings.

The student association provides students with an opportunity to serve and benefit from their profession. Activities are scheduled throughout the year and include fund raising events, attending state, regional and national meetings, social events and community service projects. Participation as a student member helps students understand the part the American Dental Hygienists’ Association plays in the advancement of the dental hygiene profession.

Miscellaneous Items

Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation

All students In the Department of Dental Hygiene must be certified in Cardio- Pulmonary Resuscitation.  A healthcare provider course is required including training in one and two rescuer, child and infant CPR and foreign body airway obstruction and AED. Certification status must remain current until completion of the program.

Withdrawal and Re-Admission Policies

  • A student requesting re-admission should understand that changes in courses and / or prerequisites may have occurred since their date of withdrawal; therefore, the requested date of re-admission will take precedence over an earlier catalog enrollment date.
  • A student who exits the Dental Hygiene Program for any reason is not guaranteed re¬admission.
  • All re-admissions are on a space available basis and are reviewed as part of the standard candidate selection process.
  • At the time of withdrawal from the Dental Hygiene Program, the student must have an exit interview with the Dental Hygiene Program Director or their advisor.

Procedures for re-admission:

The applicant must contact the admissions office and request their application be reactivated and submit current transcripts.

The Vermont Technical College Admissions Office will review the re-activated application packet and previous course work to determine whether re-admission will be granted or denied. All applicants will be notified in writing as to their application status.

All re-admitted students who have been out of the Dental Hygiene Program for less than one academic year (9 months) must meet with the Dental Hygiene Program Director to discuss skills updating including the possibility of remediation. This may require the applicant to repeat or audit course work, purchase new instruments, supplies and or textbooks.

All re-admitted students who have been out of the Dental Hygiene Program for one academic year (9 months) or more must repeat the dental hygiene curriculum in its entirety without exception. In addition, the purchase of new instruments, supplies and textbooks will most likely be necessary.

Verification of Student Identity in Online Learning Policy

All users of the College’s learning management system are responsible for maintaining the security of usernames, passwords, and other access credentials as required. An account is given to an individual for the exclusive use by that individual. Attempting to discover another user’s password or attempts to gain unauthorized access to another person’s files or mail is prohibited. It is against Dental Hygiene department policy for a user to give someone his or her password or allow others to use his or her account. Users are responsible for any and all users of their account. Users are responsible for all activity on their accounts. Failure of students to comply with this agreement/policy will be addressed through departmental and college academic honesty policies (Policy 107).

Third Party Comments

The Commission on Dental Accreditation regularly solicits third party comments relative to the accreditation status of the Department of Dental Hygiene at the Vermont Technical College. Comments may be submitted by interested parties such as faculty, students, program administrators, Commission consultants, specialty and dental related organizations, patients and/or consumers. The deadline for receipt of third party comments is 60 days prior to the accreditation site visit which will occur in 2026. Comments must pertain only to the standards for dental hygiene program or policies and procedures used in the Commission’s accreditation process. A copy of the accreditation standards and/or Commission’s policy on third party comments may be obtained by contacting the Commission on Dental Accreditation, 211 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611 or by calling (800) 621-8099, extension 4653.

Complaint Policy

If a student feels that the Vermont Tech Dental Hygiene Department is not in compliance with the Dental Accreditation Commission standards or required accreditation procedures, he/she has the right to file a complaint with the Commission on Dental Accreditation. The Commission will review complaints that relate to a program’s compliance with the accreditation standards. The Commission is interested in the sustained quality and continued improvement of dental and dental-related programs, but does not intervene on behalf of individuals or act as a court of appeals for individuals in matters of admission, appointment, promotion or dismissal of faculty, staff or students. A copy of the accreditation standards and/or Commission’s policy on third party comments may be obtained by contacting the Commission on Dental Accreditation, 211 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611 or by calling (800) 621-8099, extension 4653.

Nondiscrimination Policy

Vermont Tech has a strict non-discrimination policy. Please review this policy in the student handbook.

Academic Resources and Support

Hartness Library exists to support learning, teaching, research, and other activities of the College. Located in the heart of the Randolph Center campus, the Library provides a comfortable and welcoming place to study, learn and gather with friends to work collaboratively. The Library has study and meeting rooms, computers, printing, […]

Hartness Library exists to support learning, teaching, research, and other activities of the College. Located in the heart of the Randolph Center campus, the Library provides a comfortable and welcoming place to study, learn and gather with friends to work collaboratively. The Library has study and meeting rooms, computers, printing, and scanning available for students to use. A satellite location on the Williston campus offers the same services as the main library.

Library Collection

The Library collection includes over 42,000 books, 200,000 eBooks, 30,000 streamed films & documentaries, 6,000 videos/DVD’s, 60,000 full-text online periodical titles and course reserve materials. Students have 24-hour access to the library’s extensive online resources from anywhere through the library’s website, using a laptop or a mobile device. To explore the resources and services, visit our website.

The staff and professional librarians offer students support in finding and evaluating resources for their research. Librarians and staff are available to help students face-to-face, by phone at 1-800-431-0025, via live online chat, text message or by email at

Library Hours


One on one tutoring is available for most courses taught at Vermont Tech. Generally, we find tutors for about 95% of requests. Getting a tutor is not complicated and it is free, so if you want or need some support in your course work, don’t hesitate to speak with Beth Camp, Student Support Specialist. She is located in 222 Conant and can also be reached by phone at 802-728-1396. Tutoring can also be requested in Room 406 on the Williston campus during open hours Monday-Friday, 12-4 pm.

In addition to individual and small group tutoring, drop-in assistance is available. Drop-in is a great place to come to do homework, get immediate answers to questions, or prepare for an exam.

On the Randolph campus, math and writing as well as some science classes are available Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3-5 pm and 6-9 pm in Conant 107.

On the Williston campus, drop-in assistance with writing is available four days a week whenever the writing tutors are free during the 12-4 pm office hours. Drop-in math tutoring is available 3 hours a week with Rachel Repstad. The exact schedule is posted each semester outside of Room 406.

The Center for Academic Success also provides test review sessions on a request basis as well as for math and science final exams. Final exam review sessions are a very popular way to prepare for finals. If you would like to set up a review for tests or exams, contact Beth.

Current students can request a tutor by filling out the tutor request form. Please login with the same username and password that you use to access the portal.

If you have questions, concerns or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact anyone at the Center for Academic Success!

How to Get a Job as a Student Tutor

We are always looking for students who are interested in helping fellow students learn.

Our student tutors have a 3.3 cumulative GPA, work well with other students and are able to provide a recommendation from a faculty member.

If you are deeply interested or merely curious, please contact Beth Camp.

  • Tutoring is a paid position
  • Work Study is not required
  • Tutors control their own schedule
  • Training is offered and ongoing support is available.

Service Dogs at Vermont Technical College

Vermont Technical College supports the use of individually trained service dogs, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, for the benefit of individuals with documented disabilities. All service dogs must be registered with the Learning Specialist, Robin Goodall, at or 802-728-1278.

Individually trained service dogs may reside in a residence hall in the room of their owner who is solely responsible for the animal’s behavior and sanitary conditions. Any damage caused by a service dog will be billed to the owner as per VTC Policy 611.

Service animals in classroom, labs and other learning environments must be under the control of the owner at all times. Owners should respect the rights of others in the learning setting by ensuring that the dog is not disruptive. Disruptive dogs will be prohibited from being in learning environments. In all other campus settings, owners must abide by the provisions of VTC Policy 611. Service dogs are prohibited from kitchens and food preparation areas, utility rooms and hazardous service areas.

For students in nursing and allied health clinical settings, please contact the clinic for their policy as it relates to service dogs.

Academic Affairs

The Office of the Academic Dean, located on the second floor of Green Hall in room 215, is responsible for all issues related to academic programs, courses, classes, class scheduling, academic departments, faculty assignment and evaluations, student advising, grading, academic standings, graduation requirements and graduation standards.  The Academic Dean is […]

The Office of the Academic Dean, located on the second floor of Green Hall in room 215, is responsible for all issues related to academic programs, courses, classes, class scheduling, academic departments, faculty assignment and evaluations, student advising, grading, academic standings, graduation requirements and graduation standards.  The Academic Dean is responsible for overseeing the delivery of all courses offered for credit by Vermont Technical College, whether they are offered on or off-campus.

Each academic program or major is assigned to a specific department under the Academic Dean, and depending on the number of students in the program, a department will have a department chair or program director and additional faculty required to conduct and deliver the program.

Students who have concerns about faculty, class scheduling, advising, grading or other related issues that may be affecting their academic performance should first meet with their academic advisor to try to arrive at a resolution. If the advisor cannot help, students should meet with their department chair or director.  If after meeting with the advisor and the department chair or director the issues still cannot be resolved, the student should contact the Office of the Academic Dean.  Depending on the nature of the problem involved, students may meet with either the Academic Dean or the Associate Academic Dean to discuss possible solutions and outcomes.

For more information about academics affairs refer to the Academics section on the Vermont Tech web site at, the catalog at, or the My Vermont Tech tab on the VSC Portal at

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

All five Vermont State Colleges (VSC): Vermont Tech, Castleton State College, Johnson State College, Lyndon State College and the Community College of Vermont, use the same online academic database and share a common transcript. Students that share academic information with one college are sharing it with the entire VSC. The FERPA authorization form is a VSC-wide authorization.

The Family Rights and Privacy Act is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of student educational records. The law gives eligible students, those who have reached the age of 18, or the parents of students under the age of 18, certain rights with respect to their education records. Students have the right to inspect, review and request that the College correct educational records believed to be inaccurate or misleading. If parents/guardians claim a student as a dependent, they may have access to the student’s educational records without prior the student’s permission.

Generally, the College must have written permission prior to releasing any academic information from a student’s record. However, the law allows the College to disclose records without consent, for official school business.

Students must complete an online FERPA Authorization form in Web Services to provide parents or others with access to their academic records and to set up an access code for them to provide when seeking information either in person or on the phone.  This authorization does not include transcript requests, grade reports or enrollment verifications; these must be individually requested by the student. However, the law allows the college to disclose records without consent, to the following parties:

  • College employees who have a need to know;
  • Other schools to which the student is applying;
  • Certain government officials in order to carry out lawful functions;
  • Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
  • Parents of dependent eligible students;
  • Organizations conducting studies for the college;
  • Accrediting organizations;
  • Individuals who have obtained court orders or subpoenas;
  • Persons who need to know in cases of health and safety emergencies; and state and local authorities, within the justice system, pursuant to specific state law.

Students must complete an online form in Web Services that provides parents or others with access to their academic records and an access code for them to provide when seeking information either in person or on the phone. This permission does not include transcript requests or grade reports; these must be individually requested by the student.

Directory Information

The college may also disclose, without consent, “directory type information” that is considered not to be harmful to student/parent if released. The information considered by the college to be directory information is name, home and college address, telephone listing, email address, date of birth, major, enrollment status (full-time or part-time), enrollment level (undergraduate or graduate), dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, weight and height of athletic team members, photographs, most recent and previous educational institutions attended, and participation in officially recognized activities and sports. Parent information is not directory information.

Students have the right to withhold the release of any or all directory information, to do so a written request must be made at the Office of the Registrar.  It should be noted that if directory information is to be withheld, it will be withheld all parties.  A request to withhold directory information must be made as soon as possible after the start of term and will remain in effect until revoked by the eligible student.

For additional information, technical assistance or to file a complaint, you may contact the Family Policy Compliance Office at (202) 260-3887 or or

US Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-4605

Public Access to Student Information

The College may NOT disclose personally identifiable information from education records unless the disclosure meets one or more of the requirements of B and C of this section.

“Personally Identifiable Information” (PII) includes but is not limited to the student’s name, address, student identification numbers, social security number, other personal identifiers, ethnicity, race, nationality, and gender; name and address of student’s parent or other family members; and a list of personal characteristics or other information that would make the student’s identity easily traceable.

The College may disclose Directory Information without prior written consent of the student.

  1. “Directory information” means information which would not generally be considered harmful to the student or an invasion of privacy, if disclosed. See Directory Information above under FERPA.
  2. Release of directory information is permitted but not required under FERPA. The decision to disclose directory information will be made at the discretion of the appropriate school official.
  3. Students may opt out of the release of all directory information by submitting a Request to Withhold Directory Information form. Upon receipt of this form, the College shall release no directory information to any third party without prior student consent except as may be otherwise permitted by law.

PII from education records may be released to the student and, under the following circumstances, to third parties:

  1. Where the student consents to the release by signing and dating a written statement of consent before disclosing protected information. The written consent must specify: the record(s) to be disclosed, the purpose of the disclosure, and the party or class of parties to whom the disclosure must be made.
  2. Where the disclosure is to school officials with legitimate educational interest. For the purposes of this section, “school officials” include persons employed by the VSC in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff). “School officials” also include persons, companies or agencies with whom the VSC has contracted to provide services (i.e. attorney, auditor, collection agent, etc.), a person serving on the board of trustees, and a student serving on an official committee or assisting another school official in performing his or her own tasks. For the purposes of this section, “Legitimate Educational Interest” means: (a) the record or information requested is relevant and necessary to the accomplishment of some task or determination; (b) the task or determination is an employment responsibility for the inquirer or is properly assigned subject matter for the inquirer’s task or determination; and (c) the task or determination is consistent with the purpose for which the record or information is maintained.
  3. Where special circumstances are present including the following as well as any other circumstances permitted:
  • Upon request by officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll; b. To certain federal, state, or local education officials in connection with state or federally supported educational programs;
  • To authorized representatives of the Comptroller General of the United States, the Secretary of Education or State educational authorities, or authorized representatives of the Attorney General for law enforcement purposes;
  • To organizations conducting certain studies/research for or on behalf of the VSC;
  • To comply with a discipline order or a lawfully issued subpoena or IRS summons after making a reasonable effort to notify student in advance;
  • To appropriate parties in a health and/or safety emergency;
  • When a College has found, in the event of disciplinary proceedings against a student who is an alleged perpetrator of a violent crime (18 USC section 16) or non-forcible sex offense, that the student committed a violation of College rules or policies, the final results of such disciplinary proceedings may be released. However, the institution may only release the name of the student, violation committed, sanction imposed, and the name(s) of other student(s) involved, such as the victim or witness, but only with the prior written consent of the other student(s).
  • To the parents of a student under the age of 21 where the VSC has determined that the student has committed a disciplinary violation with respect to use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance;
  • To the parents of dependent students, as defined in the Internal Revenue Code;
  • To accrediting organizations in order to conduct accrediting functions;
  • To an authorized representative of institutions from which a student has received financial aid or the student had applied for financial aid.
  • In accordance with the Solomon Act. Solomon requires institutions to provide specified information about individual students to representatives of the U.S. Department of Defense for military recruiting purposes unless the student has formally requested the school to withhold directory information from all third parties.

With the exception of the mandatory reporting of student recruiting information under the Solomon, disclosure without consent in these special circumstances is permitted but not required. The decision to disclose any information in these special circumstances will be made at the discretion of the appropriate school official.

The College shall maintain records of requests and disclosure of non-directory information under this section C3 above. The person or agency making a request for disclosure must submit a letter stating: the name of the student, name of the person making the request, the names of the parties to whom the information may be disclosed, the legitimate interest of the party making the request and the legitimate interest of the party who may receive the information. All requests for disclosure should be submitted to College Registrar.

Procedures to Amend Educational Records

Students have the right to ask to have record(s) corrected that they believe are inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of their privacy rights.

  1. A student must submit a written request to the College Registrar to amend a record. In so doing, the student should identify the part of the record she/he wants changed and specify why she/he believes it is inaccurate, misleading or in violation of his/her privacy rights.
  2. The College has the authority to accept or reject any requests. If the College decides not to comply, the College will notify the student of the decision and advise him/her of his/her right to a hearing to challenge the information believed to be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student’s privacy rights.
  3. Upon request for a hearing, the College will arrange for a hearing and notify the student of the date, time, and place of the hearing.
  4. The hearing will be conducted by a hearing officer who is a disinterested party; however, the hearing officer may be an official of the College. The student shall be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issues raised in the original request to amend his/her education record(s).
  5. The College will prepare a written decision based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing. The decision will include a summary of the evidence presented and the reason for the decision.
  6. If the College decides that the challenged information is not inaccurate, misleading, or in violation if his/her privacy rights, it will notify the student that she/he has a right to place in the record a statement commenting on the challenged information and/or a statement setting forth reasons for disagreeing with the decision.
  7. The statement will be maintained as part of the student’s education records as long as the contested portion is maintained.
  8. If the College decides that the information is inaccurate, misleading or in violation of his/her privacy rights, it will amend the record and notify the student, in writing, that the record has been amended.

Annual College Notification

Vermont Technical College provides this handbook notice to inform students of their rights under FERPA and requests each student update annually his or her FERPA General Release form during orientation to be kept on file in the Office of the Registrar.

The entire FERPA policy is available on the web under the VSC Public Information & Data under VSC Policy and planning, Policy 312 – FERPA.

Academic Honesty

Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to: plagiarism; cheating and other forms of academic misconduct; misuse of academic resources or facilities; misuse of computer software and hardware, data, equipment or networks or misuse of electronic devices such as cell phones. Students caught in acts of academic dishonesty face serious consequences, up to and including dismissal from the College.

Classroom Regulations

Students in a classroom, lab, studio, work period or assembly are under the supervision of the instructor in charge and are expected to act in a respectful, civil and mature manner.  Students working in classrooms, labs or studios are responsible for the furniture and equipment within these areas whether during organized classes or while utilizing the facilities independently.  Food and beverages are not permitted and smoking is not allowed within any College buildings.

Students who violate these regulations may be subject to reprimand or disciplinary action.

Academic Advising

The academic advising system is designed to help students achieve a successful educational experience.  It presumes that students will take responsibility for their own educational outcomes based on sound guidance and support.  Students are assigned academic advisors specifically for their program or major and are encouraged to meet with him or her regularly to develop a relationship and level of understanding so that they can take advantage of their advisor’s experience and knowledge in the pursuit of their academic and career goals.

Due to the complexity and lab-intensive nature of most programs at Vermont Tech, the class schedule is optimized to allow matriculated, on-track, degree students to successfully complete their required course work in a regular term-by-term sequence.  Students that enter off-track, drop or fail required courses or do not take the regular program course load may take additional terms to complete their programs.  For undeclared students, it is important that their advisor understands their educational goals, whether that be to transfer to another college or to enter a specific degree program at a later time.  Undeclared students do not have priority over matriculated degree students for seating in “required courses”.

If a student feels that he or she needs to get a different advisor, contact should be made with the department chair or director, or go to the Office of the Registrar and complete a change of advisor form.  There is no stigma attached to changing advisors.  Either the Registrar or the department chair/director can coordinate the change to ensure that a new advisor can be assigned.  After changing advisors, it is important to meet with the new advisor to establish a relationship and communicate goals and expectations.

Office of the Registrar

The Registrar’s Office, Admin 111,, 802.728.1302, Fax 802.728.1597, is responsible for all student registrations, maintains all student academic records, transfer credit information, class schedules, academic standings, verifications of enrollment and graduation degree audits and issues transcripts.  Registrar forms are available online at are available on-line at and at the office for pre-registration, registration, add/drop, withdrawal, verification of enrollment, changing programs, changing location of program, changing of advisor, grade forgiveness, transcript requests, grade requests and graduation application.

If students change their name, address, phone or email, they should let the Registrar’s Office know.

Notice of Shared Information

Vermont Tech is part of the Vermont State Colleges (VSC), which includes Castleton State College, Lyndon State College, Johnson State College, Vermont Technical College and the Community College of Vermont.  The five colleges share one database and academic transcript.  Pertinent academic information is shared among the five colleges.

Vermont State Colleges Consortium Enrollment Agreement

Matriculated Vermont Tech students (except those enrolled in the LPN trimesters) may enroll simultaneously at Vermont Tech and any of the other Vermont State Colleges (Castleton, Lyndon, Johnson or the Community College of Vermont) and use their total VSC enrollment for billing and financial aid at Vermont Tech.

Vermont Tech students may also enroll solely other VSC schools and maintain their Vermont Tech financial aid, billing and program, this is called non-home school enrollment.  To do this, students must be matriculated at Vermont Tech and secure written permission in advance of their registration from their advisor, their department and the Office of the Registrar.

First Term Registration

Newly admitted students are automatically registered for a full-time class schedule based on their placement, prior credits and program requirements, unless they have indicated to Admissions that they want to be less than full time.   Registration takes place in the months just prior to the start of classes, after applicants have been accepted and paid their deposits.  Initial class schedules are tentative and may change up until the start of classes.  Class schedules are available on Web Services.  Hard copies of the official schedule may be available at the Office of the Registrar or site office during orientation.

Students that need to change their initial schedules may do so with their advisor during orientation and through the first week of classes.  Online registration, add and drop are only available during the preregistration periods and the first week of classes, and only when approved by the academic advisor.  All other class schedule changes are on preregistration forms or add/drop slips that must be returned to the Office of the Registrar.

Pre-Registration For Subsequent Terms

Returning students, for spring and subsequent terms, pre-register with the advice and consent of their academic advisor during pre-registration periods that are annotated on the academic calendar in the Vermont Tech catalog.

During pre-registration, students meet with their advisor and registration may be done on departmental preregistration forms or online.  After the pre-registration period ends, no online adjustments to the schedule may be made, so students who need to change their schedule may do so with add/drop slips and their advisor’s permission.  The online registration or add/drop will be on for the first week of classes every term.

Class Loads

Full-time status is 12 credits or above.  Over 19 credits is an overload.  There is additional tuition charge for an overload.  Students must have advisor and departmental approval to take an overload.  Registration cannot be done online and is done on an add/drop or pre-registration form.  Students on probation are not allowed to take an overload.  See the catalog for further restrictions.

Adding or Dropping Classes

The add/drop period is the first two weeks of class.  During the first week, students who have not been approved for online registration must have the advisor’s permission/signature on an Add/Drop form to add or drop.  The Office of the Registrar will process the forms.

After the first week, there is no online adding or dropping, so the Add/drop form is required.  Adding is at the discretion of the class instructor and both the instructor’s and the advisor’s permission/signatures are required on the form.   Forms are available at

A late fee is charged for the schedule changes after the first two weeks and “W” grades will be issued for dropped classes.  “W” grades do not calculate in GPA.  Tuition is not adjusted when classes are dropped after the second week of classes.  In order to have reimbursement for course reductions after the first two weeks, students must drop all classes and withdraw from the College.

After the first two weeks, a fee will be charged for the late schedule changed and “W” grades will be issued for dropped classes.  “W” grades do not calculate in GPA.  Tuition is not adjusted when classes are dropped.  In order to have reimbursement for a course reduction after the first two weeks, the student must drop all classes and withdraw from the College.

After the 60% point of the term, dropping with a “W” is not an option.  Whether the student attends or not, he/she will receive earned grades, usually “F” or “NP.

Withdrawals and Leaves of Absence

To withdraw or take a leave of absence once the term has started, a student must give written notification to Office of the Registrar or off-campus site office. A parent or guardian must approve requests made by minors.

A student who stops attending classes after add/drop who does not inform the college will be considered to have withdrawn after the 60% point of the term if the last date of an academic event cannot be determined.

Grades for students on approved withdrawals or leaves of absence will be in accordance with the guidelines specified in Dropping a Course in the college catalog except that for an approved leave of absence, the I or W grades may be used after the 60% point until the end of the leave of absence.

If the request is for a medical leave of absence, a letter from the student’s health practitioner is required. Students approved for a medical leave of absence based on a letter from their health practitioner must provide a time frame for their return to a normal class schedule. The student will also be required to provide another letter stating that they are medically fit to return to their studies.

For a leave of absence to be approved, it is expected that incomplete coursework can be satisfactorily completed upon a student’s return. For more information on medical leaves of absence, please review Policy T116 on Vermont Tech’s Portal.

If a student fails to return to school at the end of an approved leave of absence or if the student makes a written request to rescind the leave of absence, the withdrawal date will be the original date of the request for leave or the last date of an academic event, whichever is later.

College policy will be followed for students required by the college to take a mandatory leave of absence.

Failure to Attend Class

Students are expected to attend classes.  Failure to attend class or complete class work may lead to dismissal.  For this reason, it is important to ensure that add/drop slips are turned in and processed.

Students should check their “VSC Class Schedule” on Web Services to confirm classes that they drop are removed from their schedule.

In addition to being dismissed from classes, students may also be dismissed from the College with all failing grades for absenteeism or academic neglect.

Final Exam Schedule

The final exam schedule is posted each semester at

Academic Appeals Committee (AAC)

The committee is charged with considering written student appeals of either College or program dismissals due to poor academic performance.

  • Meets twice per year
  • Makes recommendations to grant or deny appeals to the Academic Dean
  • Only written appeals filed by the date cited in the dismissal letter will be considered.
  • Submission by email is acceptable
  • Membership includes two full time tenured faculty, one full time tenure track faculty, two students in good academic standing who are in their second or subsequent year.
  • AAC is chaired by the Associate Academic Dean who votes only in case of tie.

Any student who believes that he/she was dismissed according to VTC academic policies but has significant mitigating circumstances should submit written appeal to:

Vermont Technical College
Attn: Academic Appeals Committee
PO Box 500
Randolph Center, VT 05061

The appeals will include:

  • Student’s full name, address and College ID number
  • A full explanation of the circumstances surrounding the appeal
  • The AAC will meet to and make a recommendation to the Academic Dean
  • The Academic Dean may discuss the appeal with the appropriate Department Chair
  • The Dean will make the final decision on the appeal and notify the student in writing
  • The Dean’s decision is final and not subject to further appeal

Grade Amelioration/Forgiveness of Grades

One time in an academic career, a student who is changing programs may, with the proper approval(s), have selected grades excluded from the calculation of his or her cumulative Grade Point Average in the new academic program. Grades may only be excluded for courses required in old programs that are not required in the new program or subsequent four-year programs for that degree program. All credits earned in courses excluded from the calculation are lost. This policy does not apply to electives or credits used for any diploma, certificate, or degree already awarded.

Students attempting to ameliorate grades must have at least one term of at least 6 credits of satisfactory academic progress (a term GPA of 2.00 or better) in the new program.

Summer Sessions

A few general education courses are typically offered during the summer based on student needs. The courses and dates for summer offerings will be available online by the end of the spring semester. Contact Student Affairs for information about on-campus housing during these sessions.


The VSC portal is the College’s online center for all types of information.  New users activate their account at by clicking the Activate my account link on the VSC login page.  Students can also get their username or college ID by clicking on the links on the lower left of the page.

The portal is the College’s online center for all types of information from class schedules and cancellations to ride boards and club activities and financial aid other information.


Each student enrolled will have a Vermont Tech email account and is expected it or forward mail to an account that they will check on a regular basis.

Web Services

Web Services is where students access their class schedules and final grades and a wide variety of other information using the following menus:

Student Academic Planning – has program evaluations/degree audits and graduation applications

Student Academic Profile – has the VSC class schedule, grades/warnings, transcripts, academic alerts/progress reports, test scores, my profile (program, advisor and contact info), FERPA authorization form and email advisor

Student Registration – Search for sections, register/drop sections.  Students must be approved by their advisor to do online registration, add or drop and it is only available during preregistration and first week of classes

Student Billing/Financials – Payments, bills, health forms and meal plans.  Bills are generated by the registration process that takes place during the months prior to the start of class.

Student Financial Aid – Documents, awards and statuses


The Canvas learning management system is used for online classes and as a resource center by instructors. The Canvas Courses link in the center column on the portal only displays classes that have been activated by the instructor.

Search for Sections

Searching for sections or class offerings at any of the Vermont State Colleges is in Self-Service and available without login.

Select a specific-college term and at least other piece of information such as a course subject (ENG), course number (1061), section number (T1), location (VTC for Main Campus offerings, TONL for online offerings, TWIL for Williston Campus offerings), or, select an Academic Level of “UG” to display all sections offered in that term and click submit.

Graduation Standards

All Vermont Technical College students are required to demonstrate competence in written and oral communication, information literacy, and quantitative reasoning prior to graduation. These graduation standards are evaluated for competency at the associate and bachelor levels. Students are required to pass each standard only once for their degree level while in the Vermont State Colleges.  Completion of each standard is reflected in the student program evaluation. Students who have received a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution are waived from this requirement.

GS – Information Literacy

First semester degree students are automatically enrolled in GRS-0222 Information Literacy online.  In this zero credit online Blackboard course, the information literacy tutorial and evaluation can be completed.  After the first term, students who still need to complete information literacy can re-enroll in a subsequent GRS-0222.  Sections are offered every semester.

  • In the portal, in the – My Courses box, click on the T11FA: Information Literacy  link
  • In the Information Literacy course – GRS-0222
  • There is a tutorial and  practice quizzes– these are optional
  • To take the assessment choose ‘Take the Test’ from the menu
  • The scores will be officially reported to the Registrar at the end of the fall term
  • During the spring term, they will be reported bi-weekly after April 1st
  • The online evaluation is scored 1 through 28
  • To pass at the associate level, students must score at least  20
  • To pass at the bachelor level, students must score at least at least  25
  • Students can verify scores in the Portal by checking in My Grades
  • Email the instructor if you have questions
  • Students that do not achieve a satisfactory score for their degree level may re-take the evaluation  as many times as necessary
  • The GRS-0222 completions do not show on the degree audit until the end of the term

GS – Written Communication

The written communication standard is evaluated in the first-year English sequence and in the technical communication course.  Students must pass the evaluation at the associate level to pass the course.

  • The evaluation is graded 1 through 5
  • To pass at the associate level, students must score a minimum of   3
  • To pass at the bachelor level, students must score a minimum of   4
  • Students who have completed their English sequence and have not met the graduation standard may submit a research paper to the Department of English, Humanities and Social Sciences for evaluation as a challenge exam.

GS – Oral Communication

The oral communication standard is evaluated either in ENG-1070 Effective Speaking or in program courses in each major.  To pass at the associate level, students must pass the standard in a program course or pass ENG 1070.

  • The evaluation is graded 1 through 5, 3 required for AS level and 4 for the BS level
  • Associate degree students must score a minimum of 3
  • Bachelor degree students must score a minimum of 4
  • Students who have completed the required coursework in which the standards are assessed, but who have not met the standard at the required level, may take ENG-1070 or another course in which the assessment occurs, or may seek an opportunity to take a challenge exam by contacting the English department chairperson.

GS Quantitative Reasoning

The quantitative reasoning standard is evaluated in entry level mathematics courses for non-engineering programs and by placement exams and in the mathematics courses for engineering students.  Students must pass the evaluation at the associate level to pass the course in non-engineering mathematics courses.

  • Students who achieve placement level 4 (Tech Math) will have met the standard at the associate level
  • Students who achieve placement level 5 (Calculus) will have met the standard at the bachelor level
  • Students who complete the Tech math sequence will have met the bachelor level standard
  • The evaluation is graded 1 through 5
  • Associate degree students must score a minimum of  3
  • Bachelor degree students must score a minimum of   4
  • Bachelor students who have completed the required coursework in which the standards are assessed, but who have not met the standard at the bachelor level may take a departmental challenge exam.

GS Waivers, Challenges, Substitutions, Prior Completions and Transfer Credit

Students who have completed graduation standards at another VSC school, or are being awarded credit for course work in which the standard is an integral part of the learning outcome for that course, are waived from the graduation standard requirement at Vermont Tech.

Students that have received a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution are waived from graduation standard requirement.

  • If a student transfers in a course where a standard is evaluated and has achieved a B- or better in that course, the standard will have been met at the bachelor’s level.
  • If a student has completed the course requirements for a specific program without having satisfied the graduation standards, the student may contact the department chair or director to arrange for further evaluation.

GS Evaluation Records

The graduation evaluations will be maintained by the individual or party that performs the evaluation for a minimum of 3 years.  For faculty that complete the evaluation as part of a course, it is recommended that the evaluations and/or results be maintained with other course grading materials.

Completion of the graduation standards will be reflected in student degree audits and verified prior to graduation.   A degree awarded on the Vermont Technical College transcript since 2006 is verification that the standards for that level have been met.

A Drug Free College

Vermont Technical College prohibits the unlawful possession, use, distribution, or manufacture of illegal drugs, controlled substances and alcohol by employees and students on College property, in any College owned or leased facility, or as part of any College employment or activity. A copy of this policy, which meets the Drug […]

Vermont Technical College prohibits the unlawful possession, use, distribution, or manufacture of illegal drugs, controlled substances and alcohol by employees and students on College property, in any College owned or leased facility, or as part of any College employment or activity.

A copy of this policy, which meets the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, is available by clicking this link: T313: Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy.

Individuals convicted of drug law violations may lose all financial aid, and any loans can become due in full immediately upon conviction.

Improper possession, sale, distribution and use of controlled substances, including but not limited to prescription drugs, is prohibited. Possession of drug paraphernalia is also prohibited.

Alcohol Policies

Vermont Tech is committed to sustaining an academic environment that respects individual freedom; promotes the health, safety, and well-being of all members of the community; and is free from the abuse of alcohol and drugs. Misuse and abuse of alcohol, and the use of illicit drugs, constitutes a threat to that wellbeing and so compromises the educational mission of the College.

The College alcohol policy applies equally to all Vermont Tech students, employees, and guests during the time they are on campus or at campus events. Questions of interpretation of this policy should be directed to the Resident Director or the Office of Student Affairs, Morey Hall, extension 71212. For more information read the full VTC Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy,T313.

Alcohol consumption is only permitted in appropriate residential spaces, see Permissible Alcohol Use below, or in the case of specifically approved events or functions where alcohol is available as part of the refreshments by a licensed seller. Consumption of alcohol in public areas of the College is prohibited.

Substance-Free Residence Hall Areas

No possession or use of alcohol is permitted in substance-free designated areas, regardless of the student’s age. It is the student’s responsibility to know whether he or she is on a substance-free designated floor. There are signs on the hall doors of all substance free floors.

Permissible Alcohol Use

Only students over 21 years of age may possess or consume alcohol. They must be in private residence hall space, not a lounge, hallway, or lobby, with the door closed, and with no minors present.

Those of legal drinking age may not possess alcoholic beverages in the residence hall room of an underage student, or be in the presence of underage students who are in possession of alcohol.

Responsible alcohol consumption requires that a person‘s actions are not disruptive, damaging, or threatening to themselves, others, or anyone‘s property. When alcohol use is permitted, it is always a privilege, never a right.

Allowable Quantities

Each resident, who is twenty-one or older, is allowed to possess one of the following:

• a twelve pack of beer
• 750ml or one fifth of spirits
• one bottle of wine

Students are not permitted to possess or use common sources of alcohol or devices intended for the rapid consumption of alcohol including, but not limited to: funnels; kegs; alcohol misting devices. Such items may be considered aggravating circumstances when considering appropriate sanctions.

Host Liability

When a guest who has consumed alcohol on the host‘s premises does harm to him or herself, to a third party, or College or individual property the host can be held liable. If the host supplies alcohol to a guest, then the host will be held responsible for injuries or damage to the guest or to third parties caused by the guest‘s alcohol-influenced actions. If the host supplies alcohol to a minor, the host will also be responsible and liable for supplying alcohol to a minor, which is in violation of Vermont State Law.

Consumption and/or Possession of Alcohol by a Minor

Under Vermont State law, no one under 21 years of age is permitted to be in possession of any type of alcohol container. There are serious penalties for anyone under the age of twenty-one who purchases or attempts to purchase alcohol by misrepresenting his or her age or by falsifying identification. Minors may not be present in a room where alcohol is being consumed, even if the minor is not drinking and others in the room are of legal drinking age.

Drinking, Substance Abuse and Driving

Driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs is against the law. Possession of open containers in motor vehicles on campus property is prohibited. Violators are subject to disciplinary action and will be referred to the Vermont State Police. Documented conviction of DUI charges may result in loss of campus vehicle privileges.

Substance Abuse

All community members are encouraged to become informed about substance abuse and its harmful effects. It is a serious problem that may require professional assistance and treatment. Students in need of assistance can seek information and confidential guidance at the Student Affairs office. Staff in this office can also make referrals to outside agencies within the community.

There are significant secondary effects for roommates and friends of those who drink excessively. Roommates and friends report that sometimes they cannot study or sleep because they are worried when a friend gets so drunk that he or she does not return home until the next morning. If a student is worried about a friend, and this concern affects living habits, he or she has the right and responsibility to seek help both personally and for that other person without concern for his or her privacy.

Fines and Penalties for Alcohol Offenses

The following are typical sanctions for alcohol policy violations. The College can, at its discretion, report offenders to the Liquor Control Board or State Police, and can increase or lessen these sanctions based on aggravating or mitigating circumstances. For a more complete list of possible sanctions, click here.

During disciplinary proceedings, empty alcohol containers are counted the same as full or partially empty containers. This includes cans and bottles collected for return to a redemption center.

Failure to comply with sanctions may result in a suspension/dismissal hearing. The nature of the offense and sanctions will be delivered in writing to the student and fines will appear on the student’s bill as an alcohol violation. Students may be responsible for costs of individual meetings with the substance abuse counselor. Community service must be completed within a specific time, and there are penalties for failing to do so.

First Offense

Fine of $75; five hours of community service; parental notification; mandatory alcohol awareness course. A first offense which requires medical transport and/or law enforcement response may be elevated to a second offense at the discretion of the hearing officer.

Second Offense

Fine of $150; ten to fifteen hours of community service; individual session with a licensed counselor, whose recommendations must be followed; parental notification; disciplinary probation.

Third Offense

Fine of $300; minimum fifteen hours community service; individual session with substance abuse counselor, whose recommendations must be followed; parental notification; disciplinary probation, possible housing suspension or expulsion from the College.

Supplying Alcohol to Minors

Counts as a second offense, with these additions: notification to the State Liquor Inspector; possible criminal prosecution; additional fines of $100 for the host and $50 per guest.

Student Handbook

Welcome to Vermont Tech’s Student Handbook. This web-based document provides access to information about services and resources for students as well as policies and procedures. The Student Handbook includes information about campus resources (academic and otherwise), social events, safety information, and more. Produced by the Student Affairs Office, the student […]

Welcome to Vermont Tech’s Student Handbook. This web-based document provides access to information about services and resources for students as well as policies and procedures.

The Student Handbook includes information about campus resources (academic and otherwise), social events, safety information, and more. Produced by the Student Affairs Office, the student handbook is a compilation of official policies of the College. Students should contact any member of the student affairs staff if they have questions or need advice regarding College policies.

Please be aware that all students are responsible for reading and knowing the contents of this handbook and for abiding by all College rules and regulations.

Rules and policies are reviewed annually and may be changed at any time.