The Vermont Agency of Transportation, VTrans, has noticed a problem: kids passion’s for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) are beginning to wane at a young age. To combat this, VTrans and the Department of Labor have funded the National Summer Transportation Institue (NSTI), a week-long summer camp where teens can explore careers in the transportation industry. Vermont Tech’s Randolph Campus hosted the camp for the first time this August.
Campers learn about transportation with a combination of hands-on activities, guest presenters, and field trips. In just one week the campers built model cars, nature crossings, and test drive construction vehicles. There is a huge emphasis on safety and communication. The camp is broken up into two sessions; one for high school students, and another for middle schoolers. Several of the high school participants had such a good time that they returned as counselors for the middle school session.
Watch the video from NBC5.
Browse pictures from the camp on our Flickr page.