Matthew Collins

If there’s one thing about Vermont Tech that stands out to Matthew Collins, it would have to be how truly invested the faculty are in their students.

The Vermont Tech alumnus, who earned a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology in 2014, says he never expected his professors to be such a powerful resource, even after graduation.

“The faculty here legitimately cares,” he says. “It’s like a family, and they really care that you’re doing well and really learning. I’m very fortunate to have my professors not only as resources, but also as friends.”

Before earning his degree, Matthew lined up a job at the Vermont State Employees Credit Union, where he has worked for nearly two years.  Being in Vermont Tech’s Computer Information Technology Program gave Matthew an edge in his job search.

“There were quite a few employers I talked to that spoke highly of Vermont Tech graduates,” he says. “Even at my current job, I’ve noticed that Vermont Tech grads tend to generate more interest when applying. I think this speaks very highly of their technical programs, which are very well respected.”

As for transitioning from college to a full-time job, Matthew says that Vermont Tech prepared him well.

“The way your senior year is planned in Computer Information Technology really shifts your brain into work mode. A lot rides on your performance that year and it definitely gets you thinking like an engineer, or in my case, a network administrator,” he says. “I’ve been at my current job for almost two years and I thoroughly enjoy it. It’s challenging and very rewarding.”

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