Teaching fully-online courses can be a daunting task, especially for instructors new to the forum. The resources on this page are meant to provide guidance and support during your online teaching experience.
Creating Online Courses at Vermont Tech: Best Practices: This manual covers the basics of teaching online at Vermont Tech.
Quality Matters Rubric for Course Assessment: Covering eight facets of an effective online course, this rubric will help you build and assess your online classroom.
8 Considerations for Online Text: This article discusses the importance of online text presentation and offers strategies for effective design.
6 Ways To Be a Better Online Teacher: Great tips for teaching in the online forum.
Motivate and Engage Online Learners All Semester Long: This article provides tips for keeping students active in your online course for the long run.
Copyright and Fair Use: A great edublog post that covers the ins and outs of copyright and fair use issues when using online content. Thanks to Rachel Repstad for finding this.
Hartness Library Resources for Online Faculty: Librarians work with teaching faculty to support the Vermont Tech curriculum through book purchases, course consultations, creation of tutorials, and in-class instruction to support information literacy and research skills.
Accessibility: Great resources full of documents and tutorials for making your courses Accessible:
National Center on Disability and Access to Education
Making Math Classes Accessible
The following video from Educause provides 8 tips for online instruction:
8 Lessons Learned from Teaching Online from EDUCAUSE on Vimeo.