Printing on Campus
Printers are automatically mapped in all labs, providing easy access to the closest printer. Printers are also named by location and feature–for example, “WIL207 Color” is located by room 207 on the Williston campus, and is a color printer. Students have a limited number of print jobs per academic year, as indicated by your Papercut Balance. If you exceed your yearly allotment please contact the Helpdesk for assistance.
To access printers from personal device you will need to use the WebPrint system. Follow the steps below to submit a job to the desired printer:
- Open a browser and navigate to
- Log in using your VTC account
- Click the “WebPrint” option, found at the bottom of the left-hand navigation bar
- Click the “Submit Job” button, then select the desired printer. Note that individual printers are listed on the Williston campus, while the Randolph campus uses the Follow_Me_B&W and Follow_Me_Color printers. The “Follow Me” options will allow you to manually release your print job at any printer on the Randolph campus, while the Williston printers will immediately print your job when completed.
- After selecting your printer, click Next to set the number of copies, then Next again to upload your document.
- Choose your file to print. Note that these files must be either images or .PDF files. You can convert any Microsoft Office document to a .PDF via the “Save as PDF” option, found under the File tab.
- Once submitted the job will either wait in the queue for manual release (Follow_Me printers) or will print immediately (named printers)