Customizing your Zoom profile
Log in to your Zoom account
Once logged in, it will bring you to your profile page. You can get back to this page by clicking on Profile on the left-side menu.
To change your profile picture
Click on the Change link underneath the default profile picture at the top next to your name.
You can view your Personal Meeting ID number here, you can also change it if you would like.
If you have a Zoom Pro account, you can create a Personal Link name here.
It is recommended that you start it with vtc. since we share our Zoom account with the entire VSC. An example would be: vtc.john.smith
You can view your account type under User Type to see if you have a Pro or Free account.
Zoom allows you to change your sign-in email address but please do not do so.
All accounts under the VSC system must remain in the username@vsc.edu format. If you change this, it will get reset back to the default format.