To connect to the Guest Wireless network, open your wireless network manager and add or select “VTC-Guest”
Once you are connected, open a web browser and you will automatically be taken to the guest registration page.
- Enter your information, accept the terms of use, and click Register.
- If you already have active guest login credentials, click the “Sign In” link (below the “Register” button) to access the log in page.
- If you do not have access to a mobile phone with texting, you may sign up with email by clicking “Register with your email”.
- **NOTE: If you have any issues, or do not have access to a mobile phone or email, contact you conference organizer or local IT department, for assistance**
After entering registration information, you should be directed to a page similar to the one below
You should receive a text message with your username and password at the phone number you entered on the guest registration form.
- If you entered your email address instead, you will receive an email