Vanessa came to Vermont Tech looking to get more out of her education. She was excited to leave high school and feel the challenge of a college curriculum. She was the first in her family to attend college, but that didn’t scare her. Vanessa is a student in the Architectural Engineering Technology program.
“By the time my junior year started, I felt like I didn’t belong in my high school anymore because I didn’t feel challenged with the classes offered.”
After leaving her local high school for the Vermont Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) Vanessa received a scholarship to continue her college education at Vermont Tech. But, that wasn’t the only reason she chose to stay.
“Before VAST, I was looking into Vermont Tech because of what I had heard about the student to professor ratio. That relationship allows the classroom and labs to be very interactive; I learn better with hands-on.
“As a college student, I have felt challenged since day one and accomplished when the material ‘clicks’.”
When things get a bit too challenging Vanessa says she stops by the Center for Academic Success for free tutoring. She also relies on friends and cherishes the nights spent together; doing homework, watching movies, and relaxing.
Her professors are also very supportive, Vanessa says, “Our professors are here to help, they want to see us succeed as much as we want to succeed!”
Of course, it helps to keep on top of your work and stay organized because “The classes all build on each other!”
In her spare time, Vanessa uses art as a relaxation method. She also enjoys the outdoors and passes the time snowboarding, hiking, and kayaking.
Vanessa has some advice for new students: “Don’t be afraid to go after what you want because hard work pays off!”