Sean Connolly dedicated himself to serving his country after the tragic events of September 11th, 2001. During his time in the Army, one of Sean’s missions was serving on an anti-terrorism team whose focus was to respond to future terror attacks on our country. After Sean’s service with the Army ended at the age of 30, he knew he wanted more. Sean continued to work with Homeland Security while in his first years of school but decided to resign from his position and focus on his family and education.
Sean began his college career at the Community College of Vermont, “I found the transition from the Army to being a college student challenging. There are many cultural differences between the two but my ability to adapt to changing environments lessened the difficulty of the transition.”
Sean is continued his education at Vermont Tech in the Business Technology & Management program. He chose Vermont Tech for our Veteran Friendly reputation. He says, “I found this reputation to be accurate and the atmosphere directly reflects this. The second reason I chose Vermont Tech is that they are in the Vermont College System. I was able to transfer all of my Military credits and CCV credits into a program at Vermont Tech.”
Sean was interested in the Business Technology & Management degree because of the wide range of options it provided. He knew that the knowledge he gained from his program could be applied to many different types of careers. Sean may not be in the military anymore, but he still wants to serve the public.
“I found profound satisfaction from serving in the Army and for the Department of Homeland Security. I plan to use my degree to further myself in the federal workforce and continue to serve the country. The skills and knowledge I will gain from Vermont Tech will prove to set me apart from my peers.”
While not in school, Sean enjoys spending time outside with his beautiful wife and daughter and their two Labrador retrievers.
Sean added, “This is a great school for transfer students who are already in the VSCS system. Vermont Tech is a military friendly place and has an overwhelming feeling of a close-knit community. Whatever your passion, you can follow it in a program at Vermont Tech.”