Louie Terwilliger started her college career at a large university. But says she struggled with the larger class sizes and lack of hands-on learning. She came to Vermont Tech for the 2+2 FARMS scholarship and enrolled in the Dairy Farm Management program.
“I looked at dairy programs all over New England and found that Vermont Tech was the best fit for me due to its heavy emphasis on hands-on learning. My other school wasn’t as focused on hands-on experiences as Vermont Tech. I definitely loved getting to learn in a more applicable environment.”
Louie is an animal lover. When she wasn’t in class she is either home with her two dogs or working at Ayer’s Brook Goat Dairy. “I have always loved working with animals, solving problems, and being outside. This degree allowed me to do these things and open doors to a large range of careers.”
Dr. Kim Crowe was helpful in introducing Louie to local farmers and fostering professional relationships with industry leaders. “I love how many opportunities I found at Vermont Tech to expand my knowledge and education by working on local farms and talking to the farmers in the area.”
Throughout her time at Vermont Tech, Louie knew that it was important to take advantage of all the opportunities college offered. “Whether it’s jumping at career opportunities, extra work on the farm, or chances to make connections with others in the industry.”
Louie is now at Miner Institute, finishing her bachelor’s degree through the FARMS program. She’s recently married a local Randolph native, so we expect Louie to make her home near the college for the long term. The agriculture industry, and Randolph in particular, are close to her heart.